Friday, March 16, 2012

Bucky carried the concept of sustainability to higher level— that of regeneration

Dear Joo Hock,

Please feel free to forward this to all my friends on your Bucky network.

It is my conviction that Bucky carried the concept of sustainability to higher level— that of regeneration. What I mean by this is that regeneration is to sustainability as sustainability is to the business-as-usual or conventional non-sustainable development. Sustainability is the concept that development will not destroy of degrade the foundations upon which development depends; that future generations will have the same level of life-support resources as the present generation has. (Non-sustainable development does not care about future generations and their resources or life-support systems; it is all about getting what is wanted right now.) Regenerative development takes sustainability to the next level. Instead of just having the same level of resources in the future as we have now, regenerative development strives to have more resources or better life-support systems in the future than we have now. Here's an example: conventional farming systems results each year in less topsoil and biological capacity to produce than the previous year. Sustainable farming results in maintaining topsoil and biological complexity and capacity. Regenerative agriculture results in more and better quality topsoil and biological complexity each year. One way of looking at it is that "sustainability" seeks to maintain what we have for future generations, and "regeneration" seeks to increase what future generations have.

Regenerative development is at the core of the design science methodology that participants learn at the annual Design Science Labs ( A paper describing regenerative design can be found at

Best regards,
Medard Gabel

The best way to understand a system is to understand the system it fits into.
Medard Gabel
BigPicture Consulting

Monday, March 5, 2012

New careers - Hospitality


With internet and online technologies, the way people travel has changed: more information is available for people to make travel decision faster than ever and more independently too. Group travel is such that it requires a tailored approach - as what is possible for 1, 2 or even 5 travelers may not be for 15, 20, 60 or 120 travelers. OIA is offering travel solutions for group that are designed to combine the speed and efficacy offered by the online tools while guaranteeing the expertise and knowledge required for groups small to big or even very big.

As professional this require a unique expertise - a novel approach and proper mindset, focused on ground expertise, event management skills and a good understanding of what Chief Executives and top managers need to achieve through their company's meetings and incentives  (MICE)...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New careers in HR - Learning Consultant / Leadership consultant

In Asia HR is often looking at the administrative side of HR. Upwards, HR will deal with fitting the workforce with the company strategic directions. It will involve various aspects: attracting, managing and retaining talents, ensuring the workforce is aligned with the strategic vision and ready for the challenges ahead. Being ready for such challenges imply training people - helping staff learn, unlearn, relearn - in a broad sense - is what these training need to bring to the organisation.

After many years working and experimenting in the field of experiential learning, we at OIA have developed special skills and sensitivity to HR-related corporate issues:

1- The laws of Engagement: today organisations need to keep their staff engaged. They need to attract them with attractive vision(s) and keep these alive so that staff keep motivated. Command and control may still be relevant (sometimes?) for specific aspects of the job but they surely do not suffice in attracting people (with the promise of just being paid) or retaining people (with the promise of having a job). Staff need to be engaged - day by day. This is the job of the managers - all the way up to the CEO. How does an company forster a culture of engagement?

2- Inspiring leadership: influencing behaviors while encouraging initiative : how does an organisation ensure that the workforce is moving towards the direction where the CEO want to lead? At the speed at which things change (economics, environment, technology, education paradigm...), companies need to evolve, transform quickly, while often managing large workforce, big teams, in many, various markets, dealing with various cultures, habits, patterns - all shaping hard-to-predict behaviors. Paradoxically leveraging on these behaviors is really what the company needs to do to move towards its goal.

3-Building teams: no project is undertaken without a team behind it. What does it take for teams to work well together? What does it take for teams to move into action as quickly as possible? to solve problems quickly? to adapt to change fast and smoothly? OIA offers a practical, proven framework for team-building solutions, starting from the basics: creating the right conditions for team work to happen: trust, openess, and ability to overcome conflict and understand each other across cultures. Moving on to more business-related aspects of the team work: focusing on vision-mission, accountability, commitment and motivation.

Career path: OIA offers unique exciting career path
- Start as Account executive / account manager all the way to Learning Consultant: you will learn to develop tailor-made training solutions fitting to customer requirements. Ultimately, you are exposed to various business cases and offer innovative approach for training and human capital development
- Leadership consultant:  In the meantime, you will be exposed to training delivery and if your profile allows, you will be coached into assisting our trainers and practicing facilitation skills. You will be exposed to a broad array of experiential learning solutions that will become part of the repertoire of training solutions available.
