Friday, October 16, 2009

Story telling, story telling and organisations, story telling in the broader frame of things, an intro...

I am wanting to tell you more about story telling... Reality is... the best is to listen and captivated by the story and the narator of course. It comes in pair.... If you are interested, why not check these links which I just uncovered... we could start from there...
In Singapore:
In the US, from the Smithsonian Associates (The Smithsonian Associates is recognized as the largest and most esteemed museum-based continuing education program in the nation):

A inspiring intro to an event from these people:

"This event is a bridge between the worlds: storytelling and organizations. 
You are part of this story... in ways we don't yet understand. We are part of this story... in ways we don't yet understand. This story is being told through our lives. 
This story is larger than us.

This story is not finished being told.
Today a new chapter will be written here, in our gathering 
What will your contribution be? It's a mystery.
It's alive.
It's in you.
It's in me.
It's in this room.
And, it has been here since 
the beginning of time. 

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