With my partner and friend Kiran Gulrajani (Co-Evolve), we are both passionate about the new world... It is becoming rather common and buzzy to say... but yes... we are living at a juncture, a special time where a lot of change is taking place and will continue to take place... not just a financial crisis... this is the end of an area... the industrial age has come to age... the way we learn, the way we teach are going to change drastically... how we live too somehow and obviously the way we do business...
I asked Kiran: "what are the key dimensions of customer service in the new world"
His reply:
1- Getting in the world of the customer - understanding, empathising, appreciating
2- Responding - with clarity and authenticity
3- Learning from the client and his industry and designing creative and co-creative solutions to delight them and their customers
4- Inspiring the client to care for their employees (the internal client) the way they would like them to care for the customer
5- Assertiveness needs to be looked at also... in the sense of being in touch and communicating with the clients"
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