Thursday, January 14, 2010

Inspiring quotes on Simplicity

‘Understanding evolves through three phases : simplistic, complex and profoundly simple’


William Schutz, Profound Simplicity

‘It is very difficult to teach things that are obvious (and hence difficult to learn that which is simple) because the mind takes it for granted and wants to move on to something complicated which is presumed to be more valuable.
Because we understand something, we believe we practice it. Attention to the obvious (the simple), a deliberate effort to use that which is obvious can be effective’
Edward de Bono, The Happiness Purpose

‘Small changes can bring forth great  results but these points of leverage are the least obvious’
Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline

‘What is essential is invisible to the eye. It requires the heart to see it. ‘The gap between knowing and doing is the gap between the mind and the body.

What connects the mind and the body is the heart, the breath. Therefore, the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart’

‘The skilful are not obvious. They appear simpleminded. They know the larger patterns. To know the patterns is the subtle power’
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D

‘We are so busy trying to prove that we are okay that we forget we are magnificent’
Gay Hendricks

‘Reality is always kinder than the stories we make about it’
Byron Katie, Loving What Is

Less is More and More is Less. Slowing down can enable us to speed up. Learn to see things upside down, backside front, inside out. Embrace paradoxes. 

‘Appreciation allows depth, texture, dimension to life. Without appreciation, the world is flat. No fizz, no sparkle, no passion. To appreciate is to give life, to bestow being. Appreciation fosters connection and partnership’
Ron Bynum

Life comforts the disturbed, and disturbs the comfortable. The willingness to step out of the comfort zone simplifies life.

Learn to see how the rules of the game are shifting rapidly .. from the industrial age to  the network age. The shift from Force to Power, from hierarchical organisations to hyper-linked ecologies, from the work ethic to the play ethic, from linear, sequential approaches to non-linear, quantum realities.
Learn to see. And see to learn.
The mantra is ‘Observe. Observe.Observe’

collected by Kiran Gulrajani - writen by Kiran as well when no other mention is made

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