Monday, March 1, 2010

Ghost in the Machine

Rene Descartes, a seventeenth-century French scientist and philosopher proposed the concept of dualism in view of the mind and the brain. Descartes viewed the brain as an organic substance whereas the mind was a mysterious cloud of consciousness. The theory was later dubbed as the Ghost in the Machine. The analogy came from the idea that the carbon based machine we call the human body is operated by a nebulous mind that is not rooted in the material world. The question then lies on how do thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions materialize into reality and impact our life on a daily basis.

The average person has approximately 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day which means that a thought is generated every second of our waking life. The world we create begins in a place where we seldom venture due to many reasons. Fear, anxiety, ignorance and apathy could all substantiate our belief in why we should not tread in the domain of the mind. The thoughts that spring up every second most often try to convince our body into believing that the rule of life revolves around fight or flight. We have conditioned our nervous system to react to the external environment instead of creating our reality from within.

The bio-skeletal body seeks to satisfy its needs through addiction that is rooted in thought. Present day situations around the world clearly indicate that the majority of the thoughts that past through the mind are manifested into a reality that begins in negativity. A higher consciousness seeks to address what the lower reptilian brain does not. Though the brain is equipped with a driver, we fail to realize that its on auto pilot heading down into a chasm that we choose to ignore.

Movement throughout history has its beginning through collective consciousness. When the majority of the populace believes that a brighter future lies in their hands, it sets the stage for change. Change begins with individuals who bypass the fear generated by the lower brain and seek to enlighten the mind with possibilities. E=mc2, Mona Lisa, iMac, Space Shuttle Discovery all began with a thought that was harvested from the courage of great men and women. Unlimited great thoughts are waiting to be materialized into our world, one that is seeking an answer to our survival.

Knowing that our thoughts create our reality, how do we rein in our mind when its bucking like a wild horse and nurture it to choose a path of unlimited potential. A simple 10-step solution will not suffice in this ongoing battle. A concentrated effort must be utilized. A process that can bring us nearer to our optimum latent capabilities resides in ideas that will only become visible through our genuine desire for positive change.

Read the Manual

The deluge of information in this century more often confuses and desensitizes the recipient. Over stimulation has created a stressed out society ready to engage in battle on any front. The office, home, countries, earth, all have become battlefields for this. The seeker of truth has to sieve through mountains of information only to be faced with an onslaught of theories, concepts and coping strategies.
If we believe that we have a say in our life, there should then be a manual that gives us an understanding of how the outer world affects our inner reality. The manual is stylized and personalized by the owner himself. He decides on how his life should be. However beyond the uniqueness of the individual lies a constant desire to reach that place of understanding, the owner needs to be aware of how he operates in this world.

Awareness begins by listening to your thoughts and making the realization that they have an affect on your life. Take note of the thoughts that go through you every day. Separate the thoughts that have potential for your growth and those that might cause your downfall. Understanding your own unique manual and mode of operation through your thoughts will steer you towards the life you desire.

Being in the Moment

Life is constantly created in the present. However the past and future intertwine into a mangle that we constantly relive. Getting out from its clutches begins by being still. The eye of a hurricane is where stillness resides compared to the chaos that surrounds it. Take time to be still and let the chaos surrounding you subside. A hurricane loses its energy as it goes further inland and like life, grounding oneself increases your tenacity to survive the chaos that surrounds you. Take time everyday to meditate or just reconnect with yourself through observing your breath. Every breath we take is an opportunity to create a life we desire and reminds oneself of the beauty of life.

Focus on Infinite Growth

Like the bamboo whose beginning might be slow and arduous, once it reaches its potential it climbs toward the heavens in leaps and bounds. Research has shown that the mind and the brain have infinite potential and capabilities. We have yet to utilize even a fraction of what it holds. With our endless stream of thoughts, we are capable of attaching and rooting it down to be manifested into reality. Begin your day by affirming your worthy thoughts and declare your intention to grow as a person. Chart your own growth in all areas of your life and address the areas that are stagnating.

Decide on Life

The negative mindset that we unknowingly cultivate siphons away the very life we are trying to build. The choices we make in life have an affect on our future generations and not taking responsibility for our actions will accumulate in suffering in the future. Question yourself; are you are existing or living in this world right now. What constitutes a life and what does that life resemble? We seldom ignore the fact that we are not making full use of our gifts to create change but succumb to the dreary idea that we have no choice in life. Make a choice today to Live.
Expect a Struggle

Going back to an undesirable routine and self-destructive habits is always a way out from pain. The comfort of knowing that there is a safe place that we can go back to prevents us from reaching the other side of the bridge. When the moment seems unbearable, we source for alternatives to take the pain away, even though the methods we use inflict more pain than we realize. The struggle with the Gremlins in our mind will always be there and expect that it will be a continuous battle. The negative self talk at times seems more favorable without taking a step back to reflect on the consequences of the action.

The journey towards understanding the mind and its power begins with the desire to change and evolve. It’s a long road, filled with wonders and excitement and at times, pain and suffering. No matter what it brings, it’s a life lesson. Take control of the Ghost in the Machine.

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