Saturday, August 27, 2011

So what IS Experience?

I'd like to share a Poem from my book, "What I feel like saying?"

Because I often asked myself, "so what am I experiencing?" as our lives, who we are may be perceived as a Bundle of Experiences. And Buckminster Fuller linked being in Integrity to speaking, from Experience. He had also defined Universe in terms of Humanity's Experiences.

My poem is entitled:

"What is Experience?"

A nerve-wrecking
roller-coaster ride
getting goose-bumps
listening to ghost stories
in a dark and stromy night
Dunking yourself
in the waterfall's icy bite
Being bruised and battered
in an ego fight
raindrops drumming loudly
on Moonriver Lodge's tin roof
with all their might
(and I might add)
You'll be listened to
as you are in Integrity tonight!

composed by Joo Hock

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